FE Recall: No.22 – Hugo Glendinning

I have been making a short film about how Forced Entertainment collaborate with each other and with people from outside the core company. It got me thinking about my own collaboration with the company and how I went about the process of documenting their work with them. These pictures from the pre-production shoot for Club of No Regrets give an idea of the work we have done together. We talk a lot of course and I had an idea of what might work for the piece before arriving in the basement “studio” in Sheffield. I wanted both the camera and myself to be close to the performers, to move with them and  be like them. I decided not to look through the camera and followed the run through with a camera bound to one hand and flash gun in the other – shutter set at around a 1/2 second for extra fucked up blurry effect. Shooting on black and white film because it was cheaper – only stopping to change rolls and catch my breath.

At the end of the shoot we were all exhausted and I shot the line up of Claire, Richard, Cathy, Terry and Robin coated in flour and water. Anything and everything worked from the shoot, the grid of images was taken from shots we didn’t use before, for something else, a few years later. The single of Richard was more typical of the look I was after at the time. It was exhilarating to be with them in that way then and it is still a buzz to keep this project going now.

hugo glendinning, photographer and film maker